The Shepherd's


A Unique Ministry Mentorship program

Ready to Grow In Ministry?

What You Can Expect As A Spiritual Son or Daughter From the Father in Ministry

  • To provide a spiritual covering as the spiritual sons and daughters lead their ministries autonomously and unify them through mutually edifying relationships.
  • Share experiences of the ministry with practical and theoretical tools to assist  –i.e., forums where Pastor can share his scars, life experiences, template of a successful Pastor’s week, staffing/administration, construction process, preparing a worship service, when do you know it is time to expand to another service, balance and boundaries in ministry, sessions for the spouses, etc.
  • Develop a communication system that will keep sons/daughters informed and provide atmospheres for brainstorming and dialogue –Emails, Periodic conference calls with an agenda and a different focus. (i.e., what is a spiritual leader).
  • Develop a chat room for brainstorming (create an atmosphere of theological dialogue and collaboration of structured thinking).
  • Provide recommended readings and Resources that will assist in the development of the ministry.
  • Conduct an annual retreat for sons/daughters. (relaxation, refreshment, koinonia)
  • Extend invites to attend conferences and seminars.
  • Support spiritual sons/daughters through prayer.